a community for fierce-loving humans who want more from life, love, and, ultimately, themselves. It's TIME TO align with your true self and live a life of purpose and fulfillmenT.

Get Connected.
Get Expanded.


Get Aligned.

 Do you have a feeling that there's more to life? More to love? More to you?
Despite all the connections social media and smart phones may seem to provide, do you feel that you want more DEPTH?

If so, then say YES to authentic connection, growth, empowerment and to what you're truly capable of.

Because connection is everything. We need one another.
And more than anything, we need to know and trust ourselves.
We need to have our own back.

Learn The Skills, Strategies & Tools You Need To Create the Relationship & Life of Your Dreams

Why Join My Digital Community?

It’s time to align you with you.


            hen we curate our words to minimize the reactivity of those around us, we co-create relationships that don’t celebrate who we truly are. When we don’t have full access to our voice and self-expression, we don’t have full access to the life we actually want, and the conversations, boundaries, and choices that will get us there.
When we can’t say what we really want to say, we can’t trust ourselves to honour our own values. We don’t have the ability to create our lives, because we are too busy managing the thoughts, feelings, and opinions of others.

You don't have to live or love like this.

To truly love someone is to tell the truth. To truly live is to honour the truth that is (trying to) move through you.

There are certain principles and skills that create this type of life.

To live a life in integrity with our truth and our values is what I call ALIGNMENT.

My work began in the world of relationship — what may have brought you to my work was likely relational challenges. And yet, what is always true is that it all comes back to you.  Relationships, and their challenges, are some of the most potent vehicles for personal change and transformation. Relationships, and more importantly, community, are superhighways to becoming our best selves. 


What I'm All About

You want more from your relationships

You want to love your work more than you currently do

You feel like you're on auto-pilot because what you're doing is (kinda) working

You want to stop repeating the same patterns in all areas of your life

You have an overall feeling that you "should" be more happy and you "should" be grateful

Aligned is for you if:

I get it, I know what it's like to wake up and not love every aspect of the life I'm living.

Together, we'll co-create a community where authenticity, growth, and empowerment dominate. Where we not only hold one-another to a higher standard, we set the standard.

What you "should" do is listen to your heart and intuition. Your longing is information... information that is calling you to come fully alive and create the kind of life and love that EXCITES you.

When we decide to go all-in on who we truly are, and live our lives with that level of commitment, everything changes.

I've radically transformed my life many times and it's time for you to do the same.


The aligned community with mark groves

Immerse yourself in a community of like-minded, no bullshit, fierce loving humans who are eager to get more out of life, love and themselves!

Access to the community

Each month you'll receive an exercise to deepen your understanding of self and move you closer towards a life of true alignment. 

monthly prompts 

Inside our community you will receive ongoing support and encouragement from our incredible team of coaches and staff.

coaching support

With a "choose your own journey" feature, you'll be able to narrow in on your focus and gain access to an immense library of resources to further help you on your journey to healing! 

Archive of resources

Exclusive podcast episodes just for the community focused on each monthly theme. 

montHly exclusive podcast episodes

Live calls with Mark on the third Tuesday of every month at 1:00 pm PST / 4:00pm EST.

Monthly group coaching

Because loving yourself is synonymous with becoming all of yourself.



Now is the time. Are you ready?


This dating course is so much more than about dating. I dove deep into working through some major blocks preventing me from attracting a reciprocal and loving partner. I now feel confident that I will attract my desired life partner into my life. And doing so without betraying myself or lowering my standards. Much Love.

Mark Groves doesn’t hold back. Tells you what’s up and holds you accountable to what you say you want. 

Richard C.

 It completely changed the way I look and feel about myself and the people in my life, focusing on letting go and not trying to change or alter the path of things. I’ve been more chillaxed, at peace and happy (first time in a long time), I’ve been able to put my hurt behind me, and opportunities have just suddenly appeared. I’m completely blown away by how something so simple had such a massive impact on my life. It’s the first real step I’ve made in life for over a decade to look after myself and place me first. If you’re on the fence about taking this course, don’t hesitate, this course completely rocks! 

I had a light bulb moment when completing the content already in the first week!


This program was a beautiful invitation to uncover some of the hidden places that keep us removed from stepping into our full potential. I have done personal development work in the past but I had several ah ha moments come through for me during this course that were profound. I am so grateful for the work you are doing and the wisdom that it allowed me to unlock within myself.


What our community says about our content

Email us at hello@markgroves.com!

What if I have more questions?

Yes, all live coaching calls will be recorded and uploaded into Searchie.


Each month has a theme that relates to one of our four community pillars - and you will be invited to join a monthly group coaching call with Mark where you’ll get a chance to get coached by Mark and connect with your community.  You’ll get exercises to work through that theme, you’ll get access to an exclusive podcast episode of Mark musing on that monthly theme, and you’ll get access to a library of audio, video, meditations, and worksheets to further your development.

What's included each month?

This is for anyone who craves a community of like-minded people, wants to explore their inner world, purpose, relationships, and health more deeply, likes exclusive bonus content and is excited to join a monthly live coaching call with Mark, all with organized monthly themes.

who is this Community best for?



We use Searchie, and you will be able to access the community and all of the content from any computer, tablet, or cellphone.

WHAt platform is the community on?

We do not offer refunds due to the immediate access to our exclusive community content. However for more details on cancellation, head here.

What's the Refund policy?

Valued at $600

A 4 Week Fast Track Towards Authenticity

Are you ready for a life that makes you feel alive? In just 30 days we'll  help you create a life you’re excited to live! 

Bonus #2

Valued at $1,200

Kick off: July 3rd @ 1:00 pm PST
Call 1: July 8th @ 1:00pm PST

5 Live Group Coaching Calls With Mark 

Bonus #1

If you sign up now, you'll be auto enrolled in our 4 week challenge... 


4 Weeks To a Liberated Life

 (One that Is authentic to you)

Call 2: July 15th @ 1:00 pm PST
Call 3: July22nd @ 1:00pm PST
Call 4: July 29th @ 1:00pm PST

Valued at $247

Access to the Rediscover Your Wholeness Course

Full access to our Rediscover Your Wholeness Course - a deep dive into unconditionally loving yourself!

Bonus #3

  • Access to my community for a whole year! 
  • Access to my July challenge 



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BEST Savings




Reserve Your Spot

let's do this



Access to our 4 week challenge that includes 5 live calls in July with Mark to put you on the fast track towards authenticity

Access to monthly live coaching calls with Mark

Access to our incredible community of like-minded, fierce loving humans who want MORE from life

Monthly exclusive podcasts and prompts to support you on your journey to becoming aligned

Access to our Rediscover Your Wholeness course

Access to our extensive library of workbooks, meditations, audio recordings, and more

Don't waste any more time not curating the life of your dreams

Sign up now and you'll get:

Let's Recap