September 12, 2024

Are We Ever Too Old to Change?

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Recently I interviewed the brilliant Jim Kwik —  American brain coach, podcaster, writer, and entrepreneur. He is AMAZING. I sent the episode to my producer and she was like… “Holy moly. I feel so motivated! I feel like I can learn anything! This episode is seriously incredible, and I’m so excited it’s episode number 400!”

That’s right… episode number 400. As I type that I reflect on how you never know where an idea or a dream is going to end up… but it won’t end up anywhere if you never start. And anything you need to learn, you can learn by picking up a book written by one of the masters in that subject. There is no limit to mastery, just the limited beliefs we ourselves hold.

So, it seems pretty fitting that for this very special episode, we have the best-selling author of the book LIMITLESS! He’s also the host of the #1 brain performance podcast, Kwik Brain. And he is a world leading expert in speed-reading, memory improvement, brain performance, and accelerated learning.

What makes Jim Kwik so incredible? Well, for starters, his story of transformation! After a childhood brain injury left him learning-challenged, he made it his life’s mission to create strategies to dramatically enhance mental performance.

Once Jim was able to turn his own learning challenges around, he dedicated his life to helping people like you and I unleash our true genius and brainpower to learn anything faster and live a life of greater power, productivity, and purpose.

Happy 400th Episode! Check it out here… it’s gonna change your brain, your day, and your life.

(And be sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel so you don’t miss any new episodes!)

Much love,


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