It’s time to Create The Love and Life you deserve.
hen we curate our words to minimize the reactivity of those around us, we co-create relationships that don’t celebrate who we truly are. When we don’t have full access to our voice and self-expression, we don’t have full access to the life we actually want, and the conversations, boundaries, and choices that will get us there.
When we can’t say what we really want to say, we can’t trust ourselves to honour our own values. We don’t have the ability to create our lives, because we are too busy managing the thoughts, feelings, and opinions of others.
You don't have to live or love like this.
To truly love someone is to tell the truth. To truly live is to honour the truth that is (trying to) move through you.
There are certain principles and skills that create this type of life.
To live a life in integrity with our truth and our values is what I call ALIGNMENT.