August 19, 2024

We All Need Healing

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A few months ago, I was in Scotland golfing with a group of friends that I’ve had for the majority of my life. Every year for the last 20 years we have taken this annual trip… and usually we stay relatively close to where we’re all originally from. But for the 20th year we wanted to do something really special, and we’ve been planning to go to Scotland for the last decade. (That way no wives/girlfriends could say there wasn’t notice.🪧) 

Scotland is about as good as it gets for golf…. Although let’s not confuse “good” with “fun.” 😂 More on that in a moment.

Throughout these 20 years we’ve seen guys date, get married, have kids, move, end relationships, change jobs… and yet, each year, we go on this wonderful adventure. So much changes in our individual lives, yet we get to come back to this group and this experience year after year. 

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