Meet the Team

Meet Carrie 

We like to think of Carrie as Mark’s second brain, the manager of all the things. 

Her playfulness makes managing all the behind-the-scenes and inner workings of the company fun and refreshing. Before working at Create The Love, Carrie worked in oil and gas for 5 years—BIG shifts here! Carrie has an energy that lights people up. Her ability to communicate with honesty and kindness creates the space for others to do the same, fostering team connection and building trusting relationships.

Meet Katherine

Katherine is Mark's trusty assistant, using her impeccable organizational, communication and problem-solving skills to support Mark day-to-day.

A Vancouverite now living in Arizona (a girl’s gotta have sun), Katherine studied Marketing and Merchandising for Fashion before launching into a successful career in the fashion industry. Craving more freedom, fulfillment and impact, Kat soon left the corporate world after discovering Mark’s work, fully immersing herself in her healing. This journey ultimately led her to merge both her personal and professional passions by joining the Create the Love team!

When Kat’s not tapping away at her keyboard, you can find her at the dog park with her Italian Greyhound, Chico, planning her next adventure (13 countries and counting), playing pickleball or catching some live music!

Meet Joanna

Jo is a self-taught tech whiz who possesses an entrepreneurial spirit and continuously innovates to achieve great results.

She’s the energizer bunny on the squad—sometimes we question whether she’s drinking crates of Red Bull behind the scenes! Jo’s a systems-thinker who continuously finds new ways to evolve and improve how we work. With a brain wired for building from the ground up, she loves to support everything administrative from course creation to podcast operations to general business operations!

Jo was born and raised in Chicago and now lives in the deserts of West Texas. She’s a Geology major, speaks four languages, is a mumma to two, and holds certifications in energy healing. Joanna dreams of building a spiritual retreat centre in Hawaii in the future! Wanna chat about quantum healing or aliens? Hit up Jo!

Meet Courtney

Courtney is the creative force behind the scenes as the podcast producer + manager on our team.

An aficionado of organization, workflows, and cultivating spaciousness, Courtney is a true systems-nerd at heart.

A lover of Tea + Nature and an architect of road trip mixes + interior design spaces, Courtney is a philosophical soul with a Sagittarius Sun, Moon, and Rising, a 5/1 Sacral Generator, and an Enneagram 7 – essentially, a human devoted to exploring life both internally and externally.

As a relational leader, Courtney's mission revolves around creating rehumanization in business (and all relationships). Drawing from her background in documentary filmmaking and photography, she understands the power of human stories and the importance of cultivating brave spaces where people can bring more humanity to the table, express themselves fully, and be seen.

When she's not behind the computer, you can find Courtney out in nature, serving Tea, adventuring to a new place in the world, or engaging in deep conversations about relating, energetics, and/or the artistic choices made in a movie, limited series, or musical lyric.

Meet Kelsey

Kelsey is one of the dynamic forces behind our podcast productions! 

As the Podcast Producer, she navigates the dance of pre-production logistics, as well as helping creatively formulate each episode with Mark & the guests. Kelsey's passion for connecting, collaboration, learning and wanting to help others keeps her passion for podcasting alive and drives her to want to keep building the Mark Groves Podcast to the biggest it can be!!