October 3, 2023

You’re Allowed to Want It All

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I’ve been crushing a lot of business books lately. I love playing with the universe and really trying to understand more fully how to generate wealth — and how that relates to love, family and life.

It’s interesting how when it comes to making money, one of the beliefs I bump up against is that I should feel guilty for wanting “more.” As in, why should you or I have more when others have less?

In the book, 10x Is Easier Than 2x by Dan Sullivan, one of the teaching points is that we need to stop convincing others why we’re allowed to want what we want.

Wow. Imagine that — you can just want something, and not need to justify to others why you’re allowed to have that thing?!

Think about this in the context of everything in our lives… we want to justify to others and defend why we want great love, or why we want to pursue our passions or our purpose. But we don’t need to justify sh*t to anybody.

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