There’s this cool premise in positive psychology called the Peak-End Rule… and it essentially says that when we look back upon an experience or event, we tend to remember it by the moment(s) that had the most intensity, as well as the ending.
Knowing this we can close out 2024 with a great exercise that allows you to wrap it up bringing forth the best parts, and in doing so, enter 2025 with a high.
Ready? I’ll wrap mine and share it with you, and I would love for you to follow along… grab a pen and paper and let’s go!
1. a) What was the hardest part of 2024? What were you doing? Who were you with? What did it smell like? What were you hearing? Close your eyes and bring yourself back to that moment.
For me, it was feeling like I was often spinning. I was forging ahead but was really feeling stuck. And the hardest part was moving four times… Needless to say, I moved a lot, which was extremely stressful. I felt like I couldn’t plant roots. I often felt alone in the process. I felt overwhelmed.
b) How did the experience impact you, and how can you use that experience to optimize you, and your life, and have it leave a lasting impression in your being? As in, what is the wisdom you can garner from it?
For me, it’s to honour my overwhelm. To recognize that I need home and roots and certainty. I need to plant my feet on the ground and stand up for what I need to thrive. And that when I do, those around me honour my needs and are interested in supporting me in meeting them.
c) What strategies can be used to make the most impactful moment even more memorable?
By grounding in how proud I am for making it through those moments and doing what needed to get done, while simultaneously honouring that I was learning more about what I need to thrive and what my true capacity for constant change is… Recognizing that I have previously bypassed my capacity… and that peak taught me that I cannot. The cost is too great… and the reward too good for honouring myself.
2. a) Identify the best moment you had in 2024. What were you doing? Who were you with? What did it smell like? What were you hearing? Close your eyes and bring yourself back to that moment.
Jasper’s joy and curiosity for life. Watching him ride his push-back bike and build those skills has been an absolute joy. We spent many days and nights on the street in the sunshine as I watched smiles and joy move through his body. He was so proud of himself! I watched him develop confidence and a little bit of a knack for speed.
b) How did the experience impact you, and how can you use that experience to optimize you, and your life, and have it leave a lasting impression in your being? As in, what is the wisdom you can garner from it?
This experience impacted me by reminding me that that’s what it’s all about… these simple moments. That nothing else matters if you and your family have health and the ability to experience joy. He’s reminded me to be curious about the world and present, always. There is so much elation to be found in what, to a conditioned mind, appears as the mundane or familiar.
c) What strategies can be used to make the most impactful moment even more memorable?
By keeping a picture on my phone screen of Jasper and Kylie so that I can always cherish my love for them, and be reminded of how blessed I am always, in all ways.
3. What are you leaving behind in 2024? And what are you bringing into 2025?
I’m leaving behind the struggle. I’m leaving behind the freeze state I was in. I’m leaving behind all the behaviours and thought processes that no longer serve me. I’m leaving behind “natural flavours” (my body has been telling me to stop consuming these!). I’m leaving behind anything that’s not aligned with my highest calling.
I’m bringing into 2025… ALL OF ME. I’m bringing the thunder. I’m bringing courage. I’m bringing risk-taking. I’m bringing aliveness. I’m bringing creativity and possibility. I’m bringing adventure.
4. What are you most excited about for 2025?
The blank slate… the unknown. I’m excited to create feeling aligned, on mission and in service.
I feel better just having written that out and gone through that process. How do you feel?
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