January 13, 2025

9 Hard Truths About Love You Need to Hear

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It is true that we change when we’re ready… And I don’t mean consciously ready, although that helps… I mean when our system and psyche are like, “HEY! Somebody please deliver the necessary medicine I need to wake up out of the patterns of my life!” And then BAM. Cosmic 2×4 order fulfilled.

After we’ve been rocked with reality a few times we ideally start to get more curious about life… we embrace humility or else we will be humbled, once again.

Yep. And often these truths are delivered in a shit sandwich. They rock us… and wake us up.

And look, sometimes we need gentle. We need baths and hugs and love and soft invitations. But sometimes that’s our excuse for staying in dysfunctional holding patterns…

It is my experience that having people in our lives who love us and are willing to hold us to our integrity and our possibility are essential for transformation. This is the purpose of ALL relationships… but especially romantic ones. The patterns we have in love are not only the most engrained, they’re also the ones that we’re most willing to change for.

And these are the types of people I surround myself with. I’m not here to fuck around and stay in behaviours that aren’t working, and are possibly harming myself and others. I’m not here to be average. AND, I love love. And I ALWAYS want to uplevel my relationship game and open my heart more and more and more… while simultaneously learning how to curate what gets access to the streams of light that pour through me.

So, are you ready for some deep, hard truths? Cause this week on the podcast I am joined by the BRILLIANT Jillian Turecki… and we jam on 9 Hard Truths About Love That Will Change Your Life.This episode needs to get into your ear holes… NOW. Pronto.

Cause you’re ready. You love baths and bubbles in a tub built with cosmic 2x4s. Why? Cause you’re my people.
And then share it widely please cause we all need these truth 💣s.

Zero Fucks Mark is here for this convo! We jam on each of the truths and dive deeper into what they are, why they matter, and so much more.

You can get a copy of her new book here

Excited to hear your thoughts!

Much love,


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