“Peace is your home, integrity is the way to it, and everything you long for will meet you there.” ~ Martha Beck
Recently I had the honour of interviewing the author Martha Beck, and I was struck by how full of life and joy she is. This woman has a past and a story (that continues to unfold) that would inspire anyone to change and transform their life. I encourage you to check out the episode and subscribe to the podcast as we have some FIRE teachers coming on that you won’t want to miss.
The reason you need to listen to this podcast episode is that Martha’s book, The Way of Integrity, changed my life. It reminded me why I am here, what truly matters to me, and the immense pain and weight that comes when we’re not in alignment with what is true for us. My friend Kristin Hallett recommended the book to me as we both navigated the very treacherous climate of a culture that continues to find it seemingly impossible to discuss any subject for fear of it causing anyone any emotional pain and/or dysregulation.
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