September 14, 2024

Surrounding Yourself with Expanders

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There is a shortcut to growth and change. And perhaps it’s not so much a shortcut, but moreso the direct path to transformation.

Most of the paths we take towards our growth are wayyyyyy too long. We love to learn the same lessons five or six times, loop back around, and do the same shit again and again.

But there is a faster way, and I’ll get to that… but first:

The hardest part of changing or growing is almost always the resistance we feel with the relationships we’re in, our families, and our communities. We often never move fully towards a dream, leave a relationship, or pursue our deepest calling… why? Because we’re afraid of being judged, shamed and not supported by those we love most and hold in highest regard… and even worse, abandoned by them.

One of the things that I found most challenging as I finally accepted my path towards Create The Love and teaching relationships was that, on one hand, I felt more connected to myself then ever, and on another, I felt more threat to my connections with others than ever.

What a strange paradox to hold, isn’t it?

To know that we are desiring to become more of ourselves, and if people really loved us, wouldn’t they want that for us?

Love without conditions would always say YES.

Those that oppose your expansion, really oppose their own. Your growth becomes a mirror of their lack of growth… so it’s easier to put you back in a box to protect their discomfort than to watch you soar and have to confront their unrealized potential.

To make it worse (it gets better! Hold on!), unfortunately, the more the people around you oppose your growth, the more important your growth becomes. The more resistant both you and others are to your progress, the more important it is that you push forward.

“The more Resistance we feel to a project or idea, the more certain we can be that that idea is critical to the evolution of our soul.” ~ Steven Pressfield

Here’s the thing… if you really want to change and grow FAST, hang out with people doing that. If you want to blast through your upper limits, hang out with people doing that. If you want to create epic relationships, hang out with people doing that.

When you surround yourself with expanders —> people who are already living the way you want to live (a term coined by the brilliant Lacy Philips), you adopt their behaviours. You mirror their vibration. You download their values. You are inspired simply by proximity.

This is why community is so friggin’ important. The shortcut is to hang out with dope people. Because you know what?! You won’t feel crazy anymore… you’ll feel like you’ve finally come home… and then you’ll be that expander for others.

This past year I got to walk alongside a group of incredible humans who joined my mastermind called The Disruptors. We met on the regular, did two luxurious and amazing retreats to beautiful places, grew exponentially, healed our stuff, and disrupted patterns that needed to be dismantled. I was in awe of what these women achieved, and who they became in nine short months. THIS IS WHAT IS POSSIBLE WHEN WE SURROUND OURSELVES WITH POSSIBILITY. 

You can do in one year what others do in twenty when you are intentional, have the tools and resources to grow, and are surrounded by people to help both support you AND love you when things get a little sticky.

Disruptors — I’m in awe of you all… seriously. Such incredible humans… and you are a gift to all those who have the honour of being loved and led by you.

If you’re interested in finding your expanders, sign up for the priority list for my community ALIGNED™. We’re healing hearts, changing patterns, setting boundaries, resolving inherited patterns, and creating businesses and lives that are filled with purpose, meaning, and most importantly, loving connection and community.

Much love,


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