Were you raised to pursue your dreams?
I find it interesting that when you’re young you’re asked what you want to be when you grow up, and when it’s time to decide (traditionally around high school) you’re told to be realistic. You’re told it needs to be practical.
You need to be a doctor, an accountant, or a lawyer.
The people who invite you to dream then tell you your dreams aren’t achievable.
We’re trained in schools to become cogs in wheels, not our own wheels.
We’re trained to parentify authority and “trust the experts,” but a lot of these experts are raised and trained in a system to reinforce it.
People come to me time and time again because they’re anxious and/or depressed because they are living a life they were taught to want, and they don’t want it.
They want more from life.
And they feel shame and guilt for even feeling the way they feel… sound familiar?
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