February 29, 2024

In Service of Truth

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“The highest relationship is where two people have consciously and intentionally said, “Yes, let’s get free and let’s use our relationship with one another as one of the vehicles for doing that. In order to do that, since we know that in freedom there is truth, let’s be truthful with one another.” — Ram Dass

This is one of my favourite quotes and one that Kylie and I put in the beginning of our new book Liberated Love

If you had asked me at 20 years old if I’d see the frictions of my relationships as an opportunity to grow and liberate myself from inherited patterns and my own BS, I would’ve laughed and asked what you were smoking… haha. And probably to pass it over so I could try it.

It took me awhile until I got it. But now I see clearly that the challenges I have in my life, and especially in my relationships, are where I’m not telling truth, where I’m not getting curious about why the frustration or friction is showing up, where I’m not placing a boundary, or where I’m not standing up for something… probably because I’m in fear of hurting someone’s feelings or “rocking the boat.”

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