My new book, Liberated Love, is out now! Grab your copy!

I'm a
Speaker Writer Motivator Creator Collaborator Connector Human Connection Specialist

So, who is Mark Groves?

It’s a question I’ve asked myself plenty of times, and it just might be the one you’re asking yourself now.

I’ve been the awkward kid, the pretty boy, the brokenhearted guy, the womanizer, the corporate ladder climber, the white picket fence chaser, the partier, the intellectual, and now…

I am me.

Rock bottoms are chances to meet ourselves, to touch the depths of who we truly are, buried deeply below who we were taught to be in order to be loved and “successful.” I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to live behind masks. I want to live and love all out, and leave this life with no regrets. The journey to ‘Me’’ didn’t come easily, freely or simply, but it’s been one hell of a beautiful ride.

Created with Lunacy

The Good Ol' Days

Made my world debut on November 10, 19-almost-80 (that’s right, all you horoscope lovers – I’m a fiery Scorpio) in Calgary, Alberta.

Grew up in a devout Catholic, ‘normal’ provider home – often a welcoming haven for families from all over the globe.

Learned compassion from an emotionally intelligent father and empowered, feminist mother.

Navigated the my childhood and teen years with the uncertainty we all know so well. Experienced my first real dose of rejection and shame. Questioned my body, belonging and being.

Played by the rules and coloured in the lines – adolescence, barely survived.

Adulting (Kind Of)

Jumped from tech sales, to finance (yawn), to marketing, to pharmaceutical sales (questionable — I know, but damn was I good).

Found my passion for uncovering why people do what they do, and the psychology of connection and behaviour. (You know! The stuff that makes people tick).

Loved without bounds or boundaries. Que total abandonment of self.

Making The Mess

Felt heartache hard and partied even harder.

Ticked off society’s “supposed to dos” (get the degree, the job, the house, the ring).

Finished the To-Do list, and one day it hit me: Shouldn’t I be more excited?

Cleaning Up

Woke the f*ck up with a life-changing realization: It was time to take radical responsibility for me, myself and I.

Put down the Jaeger bombs (but not the tacos – never the tacos).

Peeled open the pages of every book I could find on the science of connection and creating healthy relationships.

Pulled back the layers on my own past, power, truth and authentic self.

Promised I’d have every hard conversation I’d ever avoided.

Pushed myself to get trained and immersed in the science of positive psychology (aka the science of how to have an awesome life and feel awesomer).

Creating The Love

Broke up with shame about my own trials and tribulations in love – and shared them instead.

Broke away from the social conditioning and pressure to ‘fit in’ I had blindly lived by.

Left the comfort and security of my job to become a writer and human connection expert.

Turned my mess into my message through this little thing called Create The Love.


Today? I’ve gradually learned to continue to let go of the life that I was taught to want and in doing so connected to my inner truth. I’m still sharing my own truths and helping others uncover theirs – on stage, online and on the air. Still eating tacos too (extra guac).

It turns out, the best promise I’ve ever made was to myself.

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