February 19, 2025

Spoiler Alert: You Don’t Have Time

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…for any more BS

“The trouble is, you think you have time.”

It’s a strange prison to live in to think that we have endless amounts of life left to realize our dreams. We go from one task to the next, finally arriving at our gravestone never having checked every box and realizing that our to-do list was always an unconscious way to avoid actually having to do the vulnerable work of becoming all of ourselves.

We create prisons buried under the expectations of others… and then we blame them for the agreements we made with them that their needs would always be more important than ours… what a brilliant way to hide our light and keep ourselves locked up in perceived social safety… and to do it under the guise of “to love is to give!” Self-limitation masquerading as altruism.

This unconscious motivation to create safety through the abandonment of our own soul and desires comes from a good place… it’s a biological drive to maintain belonging in human systems… but the tension of the soul will constantly rise to knock on the door of your heart. And you will reach for algorithms and alcohol to numb the recognition that your totality requires numbing to stay restrained in the small box of life you’ve built.

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