June 27, 2023

What if Companies Had Reverence for New Mothers?

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I met a woman last week who went back to work three weeks after she had her baby.


This had me thinking:

A lot of our social issues, especially in the US, are due to the fact that we do not prioritize the relationship of a new mother and child. Then we wonder why people are insecurely attached and have poor regulation of their emotions and nervous systems. 

Honestly, thinking about businesses that profit from mothers returning to work ASAP makes me sick. I think about all that people are being asked to hold and how this drive for excessive materialism, as well as the high cost of living, have people unable to be present with their children. (In turn, these children become adults who can’t be present with themselves.)

The world is overwhelming. That’s likely always been true. And the systems feed themselves: Sick culture, sick food supply, insert pharma, insert survival response and chronic cortisol, insert more pharma.

When does it stop?

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