September 12, 2024

What’s The Cost of Waiting to Change?

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I remember years ago meeting a woman who was in her 60s and unhappy in her relationship. She told me it was too late to change… too late to want more, or to create something different for her life… with her partner, or not.

She was physically fit, doing lots of yoga, and had a pretty active social life. She shared with me some of the challenges she was having from a mental health perspective.

I asked, “What age do you think you’ll live until?”

“I don’t know. Probably in my mid to late 80s? Longevity runs in my family,” she replied.

“So you plan on spending the next 20+ years staying the same? You can really endure what you’re going through for the rest of your life?”, I said.

“Well, when you put it that way…”, she grumbled, coming to terms with her reality.

Not matter how old you are, YOU HAVE SO MUCH LIFE TO LIVE.

It’s crazy to me that we would waste any of our days not loving what we’re choosing.

You don’t have to acquiesce to the idea that “this is just how things are.”


You can literally create anything you desire. You can become a master of anything! You can give birth to your dreams whenever you choose.

But this is what happens… we look at the people around us who are tolerating their life and we see it as normal. F*ck normal.

I want exquisite. I want electric. I want adventure and joy and possibility. I want more from life and love than what is average.

And if you’re reading this, you likely do too.

The important thing is that you raise your bar… you surround yourself with people who want the same… people who lift you up. People who make you better. People who see you being average and say… “HELL NO. You don’t get to settle for a lesser version of you.”

If you look at the amount of life you have left and it’s anything more than a moment, you owe it to yourself and those you influence to say YES to your life. To say YES to love. To say YES to creativity and health and vitality.

So there it is, a little ZIP in your step.

If you want to surround yourself with other people who are reaching for the stars, and get access to the pathway that will help bring you there, make sure you sign up for the priority list for my community, Aligned. You’ll be first to be notified as soon as the doors open to get in and get rolling. 

Much love,


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