Death. Learning to let go. It’s easier said than done. You didn’t fight hard enough for this relationship.
These are words and phrases that haunt us when we shift towards a new phase of our lives, whether it’s professionally, romantically or both.
When we find ourselves at the end of a relationship we often feel that we need to fight so we can preserve the relationship. We feel that we need to give that extra push to preserve the love that once was. But what if…the best way to fight for the relationship is to let it go? What if…the best way to honour each other is to honour yourselves first?
When we find ourselves at these crossroads where do we go? What do we need to do to move on and grow?
Trust fund gluten-free scenester PBR&B hot chicken. Poke try-hard vegan pop-up. Banh mi meggings before they sold out.
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