22nd August 2024
#401: The Shadow Side of “Goodness” | Part 2

I'm Mark
Human Connection Specialist, Speaker, Author, Coach, Podcast Host and founder of Create The Love. 
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Liberated Love


In this episode (the second of a two-part series), I explore the shadow side of goodness in our society, highlighting how well-intentioned actions can sometimes lead to harm. I examine how ideologies, often cloaked in moralistic beliefs, can stifle open dialogue and contribute to cancel culture and disconnection in our relationships. Through my personal journey in the political landscape, I talk about the importance of seeking truth and engaging with diverse perspectives. This episode serves as a call to recognize the mechanisms influencing our beliefs and offers an invitation to pursue deeper, more compassionate connections in both personal and collective interactions.


0:00:00 Intro

0:01:57 Group Dynamics and Morality

0:05:50 The Danger of Cancel Culture

0:08:40 The Importance of Diverse Perspectives

0:11:49 Ideology and Community Division

0:13:21 Recognizing Our Dark Side

0:15:07 The Collective Impact of Goodness

0:16:32 Healing and Moving Forward


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